Concept of Happiness
Happy! A word to be a desire of many individuals. We as adults crave happiness, as children we crave the condition. But we often mixing happiness with satisfaction alone. Satisfied more pointed in mood after achieving something, but is satisfied that the happiness? Not necessarily if the situation is nuanced negative satisfaction. Satisfaction is more prominent than the satisfaction of beating the winner (because of feelings of revenge, desire and humbling defeat, dominate the emotional feelings of individuals). So what's happy? Happiness is feeling happy and serene, free from all that troublesome. Thus the cries of victory because it managed to take revenge is not a condition of happiness, because in individual accomplishments are not in a state of balance between feeling satisfied, serene, and free from threats. While happiness is a state of thought and feeling satisfied or happy or induced release of individuals from threats.
The description suggests that happiness is not enough in terms of content, but rather refers to the liberation of individuals from the threat, it means feeling happy to be on the positive continuum. Education should also be on the positive continuum. Skills and expertise picked is not the result of education, but the result of mere skill. We agree, that education, happiness, prosperity is on the line of the positive continuum.
Happiness associated with individual interactions with individuals, individual interactions with certain subjects, kinship, work, freedom, income, thus more happiness to be at dimensions of flavor (emotion) and intellect (brain) is in a state of balance, compassion, love, free, positive, self-meaning, self-involved, and the preconditions of happiness that is lighter (in this point that happy individuals achieve satisfaction).
Why children should be happy
Happiness is a state of good balance of taste and intellect (cognitive), so that this condition causes an individual in a state of peace and free from threats. Individuals who balanced the conditions required to perform the activity, for maximum effect, to issue a maximum ienergi. Conditions must be created happiness of parents and teachers so that children naturally develop their potential activity as optimal as possible.
Imagine the kids want to jump but was afraid to fall, he will fall! He will jump but too sure that he is too confident and cocky he tends to fall. These individuals are not on the condition of balance between taste and cognitive (intellectual), so the skills (psychomotor) that will be maximized to be disturbed.
How to understand the needs and wishes of children so that parents can pursue happiness children
Bredekamp (1987) states that education takes place through the interaction of children with adults (parents, teachers, older sister), age (school friend and playmate), and materials (exercises). While Piaget (in Fisher, 1990) states that the highest dimension of education is how to encourage children to think critically and creatively. '
The highest educational dimension will be achieved through the provision of the highest experience anyway (peak experiences), this is where the role of parents and teachers to encourage children to achieve happiness. This context it refers, that happiness is achieved when the child she was able to manifest itself (self-actualization) is not just commendable, given the survivors (like the parents are happy because their children reach the championship). Feeling satisfied because champions (self esteem) is different from feeling satisfied with happiness because it has been manifest itself (its potential). This refers, that parents and teachers need to recognize, understand, accept the potential of children and seeks to develop the potential of the child.
How? Remember! When the baby she carried, when he was an early childhood or early childhood he was in tetah (train path), when he road we accompany it, when he was good at running we will watch, and when he was good at running, we simply provide barbagai expectations him to be careful. It means recognizing and understanding does not mean the whole child's desire for him happy. Imagine the child wants to run to a busy highway, whether it wishes us turiti (parents accommodating but still firm)
Interaction and administration experience in everyday life and for years has been a member of comprehensive information who our children. Provided the parents are not selfish children in a bird which we will compete to sing, we will be able to observe a variety of everyday behavior and will certainly recognize and understand who our children. However, it is not all parents have the sensitivity to recognize who his own son, then we can ask the help of psychologists to detect various potential of our children.
Rousseau (Padmono, 1999) states the duty of parents and teachers is to provide a suitable environment for the entire activity of the child in his development. Knowledge of parents are grateful to the teachers about the child's potential will menerjadikan both stakeholders provides a variety of appropriate environments.
When children can be taught that happiness is a choice
If you must answer about the time to teach that bahagaia is optional, then I think is not the time to talk about, but how parents since early were able to create for conditioning the child to always be in a situation that we expect (peaceful and free from the threat). If we expect them to be a student who studied with consciousness and happiness, so parents can drown (immersion) in a sea of natural learning situations. Home environment filled with pictures of informative, then the child naturally mastered drawing whatever is in his house. Example (model)! When father and mother read the Qur'an after every prayers Maghrib, then his son grew his desire to read the Qur'an. Drowning and this model which will condition the child to choose the happy choice!
Parenting and habituation of living in the family will build a culture (as if thinking, though a sense, if copyright) in the child to choose naturally. That choice came naturally, so naturally all children gain happiness.
Parents are not firm would produce a child doubter, the parent firm will produce a bold and brave children. Families appreciate the time that shows how to produce children who appreciate the time. Religious families that produce children who behave behaves religious. The family is the base, while the school and the environment is a medium and a second container where children try to actualize himself.
The pattern of family forms, parenting, occur throughout the child was alive and living with the family, so there is no word "when", children are in families that have been selected by the parents and the characters are developing and awakening the child woke up early from a family where the children live .
Obstacles encountered in forming a child happy
The attitude of selfish parents is a major threat in the main building happiness life balance. Many of us think of children as photocopiers, is our child as a child, or his children who do not have rights. Instead of parents are permissive and democratic respect for the child as an individual person who has the right to self-actualization is an expected condition. The views of parents will build a family environment that gives color since the child in the womb. The condition of this family will build on the child's culture.
Another factor that may be a threat is the environment in which children live. Environment less conducive member also color the lives of children. Families of children is not an option causes the child to find other options and the immediate neighborhood is a choice. Then the environment include peers as playmates is one alteration that causes certain children behave.
How do I overcome these obstacles?
There are basically two approaches to solve the problem: (1) problem-based approach and (2) solutions focus approach. Problem-based approach to overcome the barriers made through identification: that is, finding children who have barriers to achieving happiness, diagnosis: to determine what the cause of the barriers / issues, types of barriers, barrier properties, the prognosis: agreeing with the child how to resolve or solve the problem, treatment: treatment or implement action plans in addressing the problem, evaluation and follow-up: we judge whether the action succeeded in solving the problem, if not what steps should we fix. Solution focused approach, the point is the interaction between us (parents, teachers, or those who berkekepentingan help children) interact denpenyelesaian problem-based is not necessarily a problem, because there is a problem that does not have a cause or at least no known cause. Even more important is the willingness and agreement to find a solution solving.
Are there things that should be avoided? So that children can be happy
Happy that peace without the threat, the threat of loss of happiness is the emergence of conditions that cause the child is not peaceful, feel threatened, so that children have difficulty developing their potential.
Families in which children live is a key factor, then this is the threat of family building, more parents are able to build an intact family, make sense of happiness is teraktualisasinya potential to the fullest extent, then the maximum is also awakening the child feeling happy and happiness is desirable conditions.
Other conditions (small case) is sometimes underestimated, but it can trigger large menajdi fading balance and happiness of the child or the circumstances that disturb the happiness of children, among others: he is a nosy as tired, he became nosy because they feel are unnecessary, because the lack of nosy note.
Your post really gives insight to the readers especially to all parents there. This will help parents make their happy. Thanks for sharing those info!
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