A glass coffee it might inspire a million that will come out of their mouths coffee lovers. I am very confident even though you are not a coffee connoisseur would never drink coffee. Drinks are very popular anywhere in the world. The aroma is tantalizing taste tempting. There is a coffee that accompany the faithful love or sorrow.
For women a hobby may rarely drink coffee with a variety of reasons. Sekedaruntuk add a science course was very beneficial for the beauty of coffee. Kandugan contained in coffee sangatbaik to skin health. Such as coffee powder can be used as an ingredient in some scrub. Coffee also enjoyed the spa for beauty salons in the present with the aroma of coffee is very special. Caffeine contained in coffee to soften the skin that is used in skin creams.
By acting as vasorestrictor caffeine can also tighten and shrink blood vessels. This process can effectively reduce the appearance of varicose veins. In the study contained a lot of benefits for the skin and can turn the skin so as not to look dull. Those that use coffee as a reliever fishy smell of fish, the smell of garlic and the other by the hand rub.
Women are very concerned about the appearance what else faces. With coffee we can neutralize the skin is irritated, a member of nutrients on the skin, remove acne scars, plek and black stains. Coffee also remove dead skin cells and repair damaged skin tissue.
According to Harvard Women's Health, coffee also may reduce the risk of diabetes, the formation of kidney stones, colon cancer, Parkinson's disease, liver damage (cirrhosis), heart disease and prevent cognitive decline in brain power.
Whatever we do must be in accordance with the portion, if melebihan limits it will be many mudharatnya. Likewise with minumkopi excessive caffeine content in coffee is addictive can cause negative effects. Caffeine affects the cardiovascular system such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes the coffee does not slap the time can also cause insomnia, nervous easily, headache, feeling tense and irritable.
"O Children of Adam, wear beautiful clothes every (enter) the mosque, eat and drink, and be not extravagant. Allah loves not those who exaggerated ". (Surat al-A `RAAF: 31)
Research on the relationship of coffee consumption with miscarriage does not provide uniform conclusions. However, for the safety of pregnant women are advised not to drink more than one cup of coffee a day.
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